Saturday, May 23, 2015

I'm done!!!!!

I'm done with school for the semester, yay! I finished Wednesday around 11. That's when I took my last final. My grades were all posted yesterday morning. My incomplete is even completed now! Next, I have to copy and paste all my grades to Word documents for my records. Then, I have to finish my thank you notes for the semester.

Here are my grades.

I'm so upset about them, but this semester was tough. So much has been going on at home since I started school. There's nothing wrong with my family just being busy helping out friends in hard times. It hurts to see your friends hurt. It piles up semester after semester, and I think between that, commuting an hour there and back every day (I love my big family. I didn't want to leave them. My parents have commuted that far away from work for almost ten years now, so it never seemed like that big of a deal to me.), and still not having learned time management in a highly demanding major and all my extracurricular involvement, I think I got close to my breaking point this semester, and my grades show it. It's okay, though. I do a lot, and it's all for the greater good. I'm helping others instead of being self-centered. It will take time for me to cope with not being able to graduate at the top of my class from college (one of my goals) and not being able to graduate with the highest honors and that there will be people at my graduation with better grades than me. Since I'm applying to medical school, I need to remain competitive. Also, a little competition is healthy. It keeps you motivated. I don't do a crazy amount of things with my life. School is one of the most important things to me, so my biggest goals were always there. I think I'm growing up, though, and part of that is realizing that even though school is important, there's more. There's family, friends, a career, and me. My health and my happiness are priorities among friends, family, and a career to support myself. I think I don't acknowledge that as I should. I know that I should be happy and healthy, but I don't always actively work on it. I remember thinking many times this semester that I was not happy. Of course, I'm not going to be happy when I'm stressed. This semester was very stressful. Now, however, I am very happy. I do want to continue the journey on which I am going. I still want to be an OB/GYN. I still want to be with guy I'm with forever and raise a family together. I still want all of that. One of my bad habits is letting stress cloud everything. I accidentally manifest my stress into other things, such as my relationship and my goals. I let it overflow and think that all of my life and decisions are making me unhappy just because I am stressed with school, and that is not so. I need to learn compartmentalization. I need to learn time management, and I need to continue to remember to live in the present.

There's a little life lesson for you mixed with an update about where I am right now.(:

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