Sunday, May 3, 2015


Hi, everyone! I'm feeling blogsick. I want to blog, blog, blog, but I have so much schoolwork! Finals start Thursday, but my first one is Friday. I have much work to catch up on, also. I should also get my preliminary MCAT scores back. Preliminary scores are percentiles but not specific numbers, which is okay because the medical school I want to attend is using percentiles. I need to be in the fiftieth percentile or higher. Let's see what I get! AAMC is sending out the preliminary scores so that we know whether we need to retake the exam and have time to start studying and register. I really hope I don't need to take it again. I've taken it two out of the three times we're allowed in a year. Wish me luck, y'all.(:

I wanted to drop in yesterday, but I didn't. I wanted to share the wonderful feeling I experienced yesterday of finally hearing a lyric in a song correct after listening to the song many times. It feels something like this, right?Dead Trees. Pick it up in stores or download it below by clicking on the picture below.
I have a terrible time hearing lyrics in music. For me, I feel like the vocals and instruments start to blend together, so I can hear three and four possibilities in one word. I was listening to "Black and White" by From First to Last yesterday. The song is from their new album Dead Trees. Pick up a physical copy online or in stores, or download it from iTunes by clicking the picture below.(: (Edit: I did a thing to add a link to iTunes to the picture! I know that it's not very high-tech. I can do better, but it still excites me! I feel fancy and efficient--cool things!!)
The album is SO GOOD. I love it. It even includes bonus tracks of the band remaking some of their popular older songs. The remakes are so good, and I was a fan back in 2009/2010. That's not from the beginning, but it's still a long time. If an old fan can accept it, it must be good.(; The band now consists of Spencer Sotelo, Matt Good, Travis Richter, Taylor Larson, Matt Manning, and Ernie Slenkovich. When I was biggest into From First to Last, I believe the members were Sonny Moore, Matt Good, Travis Ritcher, and Derek Bloom. When I was looking through all the members, Matt Manning sounds familiar, but I can't remember for sure, so my "original memebers" are Sonny, Matt Good, Derek, and Travis. Therefore, two of my original members are still there. I think Matt and Sonny will always be my favorites, and Matt probably is my favorite over Sonny since he's still there. Anyway, the lyric I finally heard was "Sometimes, I'm a fucked up mess without you" (from "Black and White"). I had trouble hearing "fucked up." I kept thinking it was "four ton," which is very random to say the least, lol. Then, when I was listening to it on my laptop while folding clothes (as opposed to my vehicle speakers connected to my phone or headphones connected to my phone), a slower part of the song said it, and commence monkey face.(:

It is currently 9:37 P.M., so I need to get ready for bed so that I have enough sleep to have the energy to get all my work done tomorrow AND START STUDYING FOR MY FINALS, AHH!!!!!!!!!

Bye, thanks for reading!

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