Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Long time, no see

It's been a long time since I've posted, or so it feels. I've thought about posting SO OFTEN, but either I'm busy with family or have to prioritize schoolwork and medical school applications (!) before it. Or I forget. There's also my not being able to decide on a topic: I think of a topic at an inopportune time. Then, I forget about it by the time I seem to have time, or I don't feel like writing anymore. I've thought about starting the post and saving it for later if for whatever reason I run out of time, but I hate the idea of starting something while I'm feeling inspired by it and having to return to it when I've lost that inspiration. It makes me feel phony to write about something with less passion than I had for it at another time. It's happened before to me on this blog: I started a post and saved the draft, and when I came back to it to finish, I didn't feel passionate about it anymore. It wasn't fun. It was a chore at that point, and the point of writing on this blog for me is to be fun! This blog is supposed to be a place for me that when I have some idea I want to share with the world and no other platform seems appropriate (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, friends and family, even my journal) whether the topic is irrelevant to all of them or I don't feel like sharing the personal information publically but I still have the urge to shout it from the rooftops, I want to be able to come here and share this personally with people as I see fit on a case-to-case basis. Sometimes, a topic is too sensitive or personal for me to be comfortable having it associated with my name permanently on the Internet. I don't want my expression to come back to haunt me whether it's something that should be a problem or not. Sometimes, things shouldn't be a problem, but they are anyway. Nobody should be rejected from a job or school because of depression or anxiety, but I'm sure it happens anyway. Employers or admissions people find another way to call it, but I'm sure a lot of rejection happens because of stigmas. I want to be able to express myself without fear whether I should have to fear it or not. Just because something shouldn't be a way doesn't mean it isn't. Bad things happen to good people. Both are in the same vein, AKA life isn't fair. I actually wanted to make what I call a "real post," talking about something more interesting to me, not logistics of my brain and blog, BUT I wanted to explain why I post so spaced out sometimes. Maybe/hopefully, I'll be posting again soon for that interesting thing. I feel like this post would be WAY too long if I explained this and talked about the interesting thing. I can talk very much.(:

AdiĆ³s, and see y'all soon (HOPEFULLY)!

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