I wanted to drop in to update my blog on what's going on with me right now.
Today is the Saturday before I return to school (on Monday) after a ten-day spring break. Spring break started on Good Friday, and the last day is tomorrow. I believe that that's seven days: this past Sunday through today (Saturday) plus tomorrow (Sunday), Good Friday, and last Saturday--seven plus three equals ten. That's my train of thought, but I haven't double checked on a calendar yet. Now, I have, and it is indeed ten days. Totally unneccessary but this is meant to be a record of my thoughts.(-:
This break was much needed, and unfortunately, I feel like I need more. I am doing my best to catch up on my assignments that I should have been doing all week. I also have MCAT next Satuday, and I only started studying during this break. Terrible, I know, but I made a twenty-four my first time with barely any studying. That is three points away from the safe score for the medical school I want to attend. After seeing my scores, I know that I need to beef up on my reading section, so I am doing my best to complete that book (page 75/200...yay...) and probably review the biochemistry and behavioral sciences flashcards. Then, I'll hopefully have time to read all the tips in the side bars of all the books as well as review all the quick study sheets--yes, all before Saturday and be caught up on my homework...
It seems impossible, but I am changing all my negative talk to positive talk. Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, "I'm possible." Yes, I'm extremely overwhelmed, and no, I am not feeling as positive as the words I'm spewing. However, reinforcing my fears with negative talk will not help. It will only hurt. Therefore, I am doing the best I can to beat my fears, and I shall do so with positive talk.
I am not feeling very motivtated right now, so I took some time to attempt to motivate myself. It may seem like wasted time, but if it helps me get work done, it is not a waste at all.
I have to bring my great-grandfather to church now, and I get to do so using my mother's Honda Pilot for the FIRST TIME EVER! I'm excited about that!
Until next time!